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Zone Control evolutions 1.0 release

Map Information
Submitted: Doomhammer
Map Genre:AoS Maps
Last Update:Aug-30-06
File Size: 461kb

This is the first official release of Zone Control evolutions, a zone control genre map as its original 'Zone Control’ for Starcraft. Zone Control Evolutions features even higher massed battle than known from footmen wars and previous Zone Control type of maps. Though the masses of footmen are soon to lighten up as the next generation of fierce warriors is to claim the battlefield and prove that only by research and technology this battle can be won. The map is fully playable in multiplayer and singleplayer for up to 8 players (4-6 recommended)


- 6 tiers based on a common tiering system
- easy-to-use mass movement system
- zone system
- the ‘Insight’ feature, turning the game into 3rd person

- map created from scratch
- fully jassed & optimized
- multiplayer/bnet-tested
- integrated calculations for a suitable amount of kills needed to tier up depending on the amount of active players
- integrated spawn control calculating each player’s spawn on the basis of player units and total unit count

- 4 standard races with 5+1 types of units a race
- 16 to 18 different types of upgrades per race
- custom unit abilities, such as ‘Demon Claw’ and ‘Cursed Blight’
- careful balancing

extra features
- included a ‘Starter Mode’ with Intro tutorial & tooltips
- included 6 +1 short cinematic sequences
- hardcoded AI supporting 3 difficulty levels
- jassed custom bounty
- numerous little details: best to find out yourself


To be enjoyed on a fast machine of yours!


If you download a map, feel free to come back and leave feedback. Your comments and opinions help authors make better maps.


By Doomhammer on Oct-04-06

It's 100% jassed, and it's efficiently coded, not to say optimized to give the players a max performance! The lag comes into play when you've got a lame connection or a lame PC. Your comment makes me assume that you've got both. If machine and Inet are alright, there should be no reason to miss this map. Especially on the last LAN parties people were loving it!

By Chewbalka on Aug-30-06

Looks like a lag fest might happen in bnet. and also looks GREAT. looks cool but ill probly be in the lag fest so i wont try =(

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