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Destiny RPG 2.23 BETA

Map Information
Submitted: Im_On_56k
Map Genre:Role Playing
Last Update:Nov-12-05
File Size: 1591kb

Beta test of Destiny RPG 2.23.

There are only 2 playable heros atm.
Holy Mage and Shadow Hunter.

The Holy Mage will probally be more enjoyable since she currently has more abilities.

You will get another spellpack of abilities once you reach level 5.

There are only a few quests and items atm.


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By Im_On_56k on Nov-23-05

New version will be comming soon features lots of quests, items, more abilities per hero. You can also fish and buy pets!. And lots more :)

You can view my forum here.

By RunningAway on Nov-21-05

Lots of fun, its been a wile since I've found an RPG worth playing. Just something about it, maybe in the way its been set up. I also like the multiboard and the ability system, instead of forcing the characters too either suffer several low level abilities, or possibly just one or two good abiliites you've allowed them access too several worthwhile abilties. <3 The footman skin also.

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