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Spirit Wars

Map Information
Submitted: Bloodcount
Map Genre:Arena/CTF
Last Update:Jun-07-09
File Size: 173kb
Rating:5.0 / 5

Spirit Wars
By Bloodcount and Tyrande_Ma3x

Spirit What?
Well.... 5 thousand years ago, there was an arena. In this arena mages used to face-off and see who is more powerful. Eventually, the tournament turned into a strife. Even as ghosts the mages insisted to fight... for all eternity...

Gameplay Ok, let's get down to business. You know the story. It is nothing special, yes, and that is just the idea. This is a map that takes the pressure off your shoulders. You are a ghost. You begin the game with 150 gold. Go to the center of the map. There is a shop and buy your first spell. The spells are point targeted. Some of them have stacking effects, others change their effects under certain circumstances.

However The most important thing in the map is your stats. When you walk arround, you are going to see qute little louvable souls. Go near them to devour them and get their bonus. Your spell's dmg is mainly based on spirit power. Your hit points are based on your strenght. You can buy a spell called shield. It uses your third atrribute- shield, to protect you from atacks when you activate it.

When you kill an enemy hero you steal some of his stats. When you die you loose some of your stats. So, be carefull!

!!!!!!!!Your hero possesses a double inventory. This means that you can carry up to TEN items at a time!!!!!!

The Shops! Well... there are 2 types of shops in the map.

-Item Shop
This is the common shop. There is one of these in each corner of the map. You can buy attribute points from there as well as potions.

-Spell shop
There are 5 of these shops scattered arround the map. You can buy your spells from there, but be careful - you might not be the only one that wants to buy spells.

Spells Spells As I said above, the spells are point targeted, and are stat based. Now, each one of them has a special effect. Some of them stack, and, this is the new type of spells - Their effects depend on the hit points of your oponent. To make things easy to remember, the spells have 2 effects - if the targeted unit's hit points are above 50% or below 50% Every spell has different effects.

Modes! Currently the map has only a couple of modes... we are going to add more in the next versions. For now these are the modes:

-dmt x death match for time, be the player with most kills when the timer expires (x is a number for minutes).
-dmn x where x is a number, be the first player to reach x kills.
-htf hold the flag for specific points (you gain one point every 7 seconds)

Note: If the host waits, the modes are mode is going to be -dmn 10

AI The map has AI! The AI players are smart, and are a chalenge! You can choose the difficulty by setting them to Computer Easy/normal/insane before the game starts. Easy get 0.5x income, Normal - 1x income and Insane - 2x.

When the game finishes, do not leave, the host can choose a re-mach.

Every spell is triggered in vJass.

The more the players the more the spirits.

every 2 minutes the ghosts get an automatic health boost.

There is a -weather command (rain, snow, light, moonlight, wind). *
There is a -terrain command (snow, desert, default). **

There is also an add bot command -addb.

Hope you like it.


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By da1nOnlyEd on Aug-06-09

I like this map :D it's short, it's fun, it's easy to learn, and it's really easy to be good at. Just keep buying weapons and collecting spirits!

5/5 from me.

By opiemonster on Jun-19-09

Pritty cool game, some nice ai. Damn im so waiting for starcraft 2, hey have a look at my map its pritty cool

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