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DotA v6.69b LoD v9 EnV 777

Map Information
Submitted: sora1301
Map Genre:Role Playing
Last Update:Sep-04-11
File Size: 6968kb

DotA v6.69b LoD v9 EnV 777

Map Size - 128x128
Tileset - Felwood
Suggested Players - For 10 (5v5)

DotA v6.69b LoD v9 EnV 777 is A Custom Version of DotA That Let the Players Can Able to Choose 3 Skills and 1 Ultimate to Combine into 1 Unique Hero in an Epic Battle to Defend the Ancients.


LoD Game Modes:
-allpick(-ap), -allrandom(-ar), -tripledraft(-td), -singledraft(-sd), -megadraft(-md), -ultradraft(-ud) But -ultradraft(-ud) Doesn't Work Properly But it May in the Future.

LoD Additional Modes:
-deathmatch(-dm), -seeskills(-ss), -awardedskill(-ak), -randomultimate(-ru), -unlimitedlevel(-ul), -antibackdoor(-ab), -easybalance(-eb), -hardbalance(-hb).

Other Modes:
-duplicatemode(-du), -shuffleplayers(-sp), -samehero(-sh), -allagility(-aa), -allintelligence(-ai), -allstrength(-as), -itemdrop(-id), -easymode(-em), -nopowerups(-np), -supercreeps(-sc), -onlymid(-om), -notop(-nt), -nomid(-nm), -nobot(-nb), -noswap(-ns), -norepick(-nr), -poolingmode(-pm), -observerinfo(-oi), -miniheroes(-mi), -fastrespawn(-fr), -meleeonly(-mo), -rangeonly(-ro), -experimentalrunes(-er).

How to Play:
1. At start you have a few minutes to choose skills.
2. Click the hero whose skill you want.
3. Click the + sign above the skill you want.
4. Check your skills on the multiboard at the top right of the map.
5. Choose 3 standard skills and 1 ultimate skill.
6. After skill picking phase, empty skill slots will receive a random skill.
7. Choose a hero after everyone finished picking skills.

-Up to 101 Unique Heroes
-Up to 402 Custom Skills' Available (Some of the Custom Spells Haven't Placed Including Witchcraft, Invoke and Etc...
-Numerous Number of Items are Available for Purchasing in the Game which will Make their Characters more Powerful
-And Other Features From The Original Dota


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By BlackRose on Sep-23-11


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