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Super Mario Survival 1.08f

Map Information
Submitted: StaberXpert
Map Genre:Other
Last Update:Sep-22-06
File Size: 1733kb

•Mario has HP regen and Fire Ball (Red).
•Luigi has more HP and Fire Ball (Green).
•Toad has super speed and Burst of Speed.
•Wario is armored and has Dissintegrate.
•Waluigi has a huge sight radius and Dissintegrate.
•The Yoshis move faster and have Illusionary Clone.
•Peach can place sentry wards and has Illusionary Clone.
=> Red can type -longmode to turn on long mode and make the game last 1 hour instead of the default 30 minutes.
==>Red can type -nomid to block off the middle area base which makes the areas have more even spawns
===>Red can type -easymode to have less stronger monsters.
====> Players can use the new -effect command by typing -effect followed by a number between 1 and 7. Type -off to remove the current effect which lets you add a new one instead.
->An enemy spawns every few seconds in a random location.
Survive for 30 minutes or be the last man standing.
->Stronger units spawn as time passes.
Created by jim109109 and StaberXpert


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