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Omnislashers v1.4b

Map Information
Submitted: Tinki3
Map Genre:Other
Last Update:Oct-09-06
File Size: 100kb

A squad of omnislashers who must destroy all enemies. Play as a single omnislasher, or with up to 6. Game modes allows player red to choose the game difficulties and other options.

The Game
In this game, I'm afraid to tell you that it is a part of a lazy generation of games. By this, I mean that healing is not required, nor is clicking on your hero's abilities to level them up or to even learn them. Mana is also a "no no" in this game as it is unessesary ^_^

So, What's in the Game?
Creeps, a board to keep track of your kills, bosses and some nice terrain >_> (and, of course, a few omnislashers)

How is Victory Achieved?
First, players/omnislashers must kill every creep on the map. This can take up to 20-30mins with a single player, but with 3+ it doesn't take too long at all. After every creep is dead, players will proceed with fighting a set amount of Bosses.(boss numbers vary depending on what player red had set it too) After each boss dies, players will move onto the next one. Bosses have abilities too. And, yeah, they do come in different shapez and sizes. After the set amount of bosses are dead, you win.

Is this Game Hard to Play?
Not at all! Unless, however, you are new to wc3TFT which is almost completely unlikely =D


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By Chocobo on Oct-07-06

Some leaks in triggers, try to clean them up :P
I just looked your triggers inside the .j file and there are plenty of them!

By lh2705 on Sep-27-06

Fun game :D

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