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Conqueror of Sunken Island v1.4

Map Information
Submitted: WoodenGuitar
Map Genre:Defense
Last Update:Oct-10-07
File Size: 307kb

Two forces of Naga are battle for a sunken island. You are one of the mercenaries that hired by the Naga. Train your troop and follow the army to battle against the opponent.

You will be given a Spirit Pig in the begining of the game, use it to build building for training your troops.
Killing creeps grants you award of gold and lumber.

Gold is used to train more troops and lumber is used to upgrade your building. Upgraded building allows you to buy variuos warriors and upgrades.

Most of the units can level up and become stronger by killing enemy units. Higher level of units has special abilities such as more inventory slots.

Lead your troop to defeat your enemy ahead.

Game modes: -sa, -sm, -us, -om, -ol, -or, -nm, -nl, -nr, -hg

Forum Link:

p/s This map did not test with multiplayer mode, if there are any bugs or problems in multiplayers mode, kindly drop by your comment at the forum thread~


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