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Creeps Unite! v1.06

Map Information
Submitted: darkRae
Map Genre:AoS Maps
Last Update:Jul-05-08
File Size: 695kb

The Humans are going to wipe out the forest, including the creeps inside. The creeps form a force named Forest Creeps to fight and repel the humans. Both sides are struggling. Who will win?

-- Quick 1v1 Game (<60 minutes)
-- Unique Heroes with their own themes and roles
-- Some never-before-seen spells
-- Two lanes of pushing and killing
-- Two unique Gamemodes: Hero mode and Guardian mode
-- Use of lumber to buy items
-- Hire creeps with unique abilities
-- No AI. Features no AI

This map is unprotected. You may open it for educational purposes ONLY.
If you hijack it that means you're a selfish greedy pig! lol

Credit goes to me, the maker :
[email protected]
Email me for questions or anything you want.

Changelog for Creeps Unite! v1.06 :
-- Rewrote thread in some forums.
-- Now shows a message when a player leaves the game.
-- Optimized the triggers, a bit.
-- Hopefully it doesn't bring new bugs.
-- Fixed some old bugs, btw.
-- Shows elapsed minutes by using Food.
-- Removed Ogre Wizard from the game.
-- That's the third time an Ogre is removed.
-- Removed Spirit of Alesia from the taverns, he'll be remade.
-- Added new Hero, the Infernal.
-- Added new Hero, the Dragon Mage.
-- Added a new tavern, the Neutral Tavern.
-- Reshuffled the taverns.
-- Trees now respawn every 5 minutes instead of the previous 8.
-- Re-terrained the lanes.
-- More doodads, finally.
-- Removed Power Drain from Felhound.
-- Improved Felhound's attack animation.
-- Increased Felhound's movespeed from 400 to 420.
-- Titanus and Felhound now have the same 'Immortal' skill.
-- Assassins cannot attack Wards now.
-- Improved Dragon's attack animation a bit.
-- Decreased damage bonus from Air Ray from 40 to 30.
-- Decreased bonus magic resistance from Amulet of Doom from 35% to 30%.
-- Lich's name is now Nazim (was Kel'thuzard previously)
-- Fixed Inferno's duration.
-- Lowered cooldown of Boulder Bomb from 11/10.5/10 to 11/10/8.
-- Lowered cooldown of Crushing Wave from 9.5/8.0/6.5 to 9/7/5.5
-- Increased damage of Ocean from 18 to 21.
-- Increased Angelus' effect from 50 to 65.
-- Increased cooldown of Vital Shot from 60 to 75.
-- Lowered cooldown of Moonlight from 100 to 70.
-- Increased manacost of Requiem from 200 to 250.
-- Increased Liquid Fire's damage from 8 to 12.
-- United We Stand now deals physical Hero damage.
-- Previously it dealt magical.
-- Lowered AOE of United We Stand from 1000 to 850.
-- Increased range of Boulder Bomb from 800 to 800/900/1000.
-- Boulder Bomb now deals 50% damage in 250 AOE.
-- Remade Forest Giant's 3rd passive skill.
-- Increased duration of Split Second from 2 to 3.
-- Lowered manacost of Split Second from 90 to 60.
-- Lowered manacost of Dash Strike from 120 to 100.


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