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Defense of the Ancients: All Out War

Map Information
Submitted: gatx103
Map Genre:Melee
Last Update:Oct-07-09
File Size: 505kb

Made some changes in the game, since something went wrong in the map after importing files in the editor. By wrong I mean, hexed/ Polymorphed units move at like max ms, uprooted buildings running faster than knights, raiders at footmen's ms, and some upgrades and techtree settings reverted to i dont know what version. Hero skills are not all exact, like Shackle Shot and Ravage, though they are functionally close.

Basically, i tried to make the map the conventional melee map with the DotA heroes as mercenaries. I also added my own custom hero "War Golem".

Recently fixed some missing tooltips.

And by the way, the names of the heroes are names of my mates..:P

Please comment on how you find the map! :D

And by the way, the Fountain of Health at the Center is now difficult to take. A LOT more difficult.


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