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The Quest for The Lord Dragoon

Map Information
Submitted: Loading
Map Genre:Role Playing
Last Update:May-06-07
File Size: 1817kb

The Lord Dragoon has been attacking a countryside for quite a while. The time has come to put a stop to it. You and at most six other allies must battle through many waves of creatures inhabiting the land. You can also do side quests and complete the three forests for special items to aid you in your quest. You may choose from Warrior, Mage, or Healer classes when the game begins.

-There is now a vote-respawn trigger. When you die, your allies can vote you back to life (if they want). Full credit of this trigger goes to Daxtreme at

-The Lord Dragoon now does double the damage.

-Some waves have been lengthed between spawns so there is not as much of a cluster and huge mass chaos as before.

If there are any balances or errors you see wrong or even ideas that you think would be better, then email me at [email protected].


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