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Tank Wars V1.9.5c

Map Information
Submitted: Killer-Klynt
Map Genre:Role Playing
Last Update:Oct-01-07
File Size: 353kb

Hi there this map is made by killer-Clint

This is a great mod, it is the final version so all errors are removed and now is finally complete for online play.
You can buy many tanks and also weapons to upgrade you tank. Also there is a repair pad you can use to repair you tanks and trucks.
Its version 1.9.5c. This version now features battleships and planes, it has the whole World-War aspect. When you play go to quest log and look how to play in there.
*Protected FILE*

Enjoy, remember it is designed for online team play. So get out there and sink their boats and planes and DESTORY their tanks too!

Install tips:
.1 Select the Tank wars map,
- click copy file (Ctrl C) or click extract to...
2. Extract/Copy it into the WC3 maps folder (usually under the address of C:\Program Files\Warcraft 3\...
3. This is not the finsh after you have found that address make sure to put it under ...\warcraft 3\maps
4. Once the file is in the maps folder under wc3 your good to go!


If you download a map, feel free to come back and leave feedback. Your comments and opinions help authors make better maps.


By Killer-Klynt on Oct-02-07

Please leave comments tell me what you think

By Killer-Klynt on Oct-01-07

Don't you just love my install instructions? lol

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